while traveling search for hotels, taxi, food joint, cafe, police station.Search your nearby area for different hotels, taxi, food, hospitals, places
while traveling search for hotels, taxi, food joint, cafe, police station.
Search your nearby area for different hotels, taxi, food, hospitals, places to visit, nearby new location.
Call police when needed
Look for Airport
Search nearby bus station
Search nearby hiking place
Tag your location as you want.
Find addresses and businesses and plan journeys taking current traffic conditions into account.
- detailed maps of towns and cities across the world
- the ability to search for specific addresses;
- the ability to search nearby points of interest including cafes, drug stores, ATMs, gas stations, hospitals etc. and additional information on buildings, businesses and other points of interest,
- feedback form about carrier signal quality for MTS users;
- satellite and panoramic street view images of cities;
- People's map ;
- a route planner that optimizes routes based on current traffic conditions;
- public transport routes
- route information (distance, speed, estimated journey time) and automatic route recalculation following any deviation;
- additional information about companies and buildings;
- the ability to read and add business reviews;
- the ability to download maps.